Painless Ways To Save Money Now!
Apr 08, 2023
Painless Ways To Save Money Now
Dining out
I love to eat out. I also love to cook. Meal planning and cooking in bulk will save you time and money. Bring lunch to work. I was lucky, my last two jobs were in Food and Beverage, so I ate for free. When I was offered the job, it was less than I wanted. After calculating the free meals, it was a tax-free raise.
Do you have subscriptions you forgot about? Do you need Hulu, Netflix, Disney Plus, and all of the other subscriptions out there. You can cancel for a few months and then resubscribe. After a few months, they send you deals to come back.
One way to cut all your subscriptions is the call your credit or debit card company and tell them you lost the card and need a new one. If you have any subscriptions and maybe you can’t bring yourself to cancel, when they can’t bill you, they will cancel you.
Shop Smarter
Look for deals and coupons. Set up a junk email address and subscribe to store mailing lists. You’ll get coupons and points for shopping at that store. Sign up for store loyalty cards. Again, use the junk email. When you’re at the checkout, put your phone number, look at your junk email account for a coupon, and get money off.
Don’t buy generic for the sake of buying something cheaper.
There are plenty of store brands and generic items that are better that the fancy name brand. I’m looking at Shop Rite potato chips and iced tea. But generic isn’t always equal. I bought generic mini wheats because they were cheaper. We had one bowl and it sat in the pantry for a long time. I wasn’t as good as the fancy name brand. Had I spent the money on the name brand, we would have eaten it all and I wouldn’t have thrown my money away on the other box.
Cash back apps
There are some great cash back apps that will help you save a few bucks or give you gift cards when you’ve uploaded enough receipts. We use Fetch Rewards the most and have received a few gift cards. Remember cash back apps are not a side hustle. If a finance blogger calls it that, run.
Car, homeowners and renters insurance
Look at raising your deductible. This can lower your premiums.